Northampton Chiropody Clinic Podiatrist & Chiropodist. 3 Spencer Parade Northampton NN1 5AA 01604 422772
Chiropodist - Podiatrist

Podiatrist in Corby

Looking for a Chiropodist - Podiatrist in Corby but cannot get an appointment?

The Foot Clinic in Northampton has been tasked with taking over the task of treating the Towns of Northamptonshire.

We have seen a large proportion of people from outside Northampton unable to get treatment during the lock-down and have stepped up to help you.

We offer a full range of treatments from just nail cutting, corns and callus to surgery for ingrowing nails together with Laser Treatments for verrucas, warts and fungal nails.

We are only 30 minutes away?

The Foot Clinic. 34 Billing Road. Northampton. NN1 5DQ

Tel 01604 422772