Northampton Chiropody Clinic Podiatrist & Chiropodist. 3 Spencer Parade Northampton NN1 5AA 01604 422772
We can prescribe you custom made orthotics to put in your shoe to take the pressure off the areas where you have hard skin and corns. No pressure no corn.

Nail cutting, Corns and Callus Removal Northampton

Give us a call on 01604 422772
corn removal Northampton

Northampton Chiropody Clinic

Nails & Callus

We offer nail cutting, finger nail cutting, thickened nails, fungal nail reduction and laser therapy.

Callus is hard skin, hyperkeratosis. It is caused by an increase in pressure, friction or shear forces. There are many other causes of hyperkeratosis and it could be genetic or metabolic.

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painful corn removal

The Foot Clinic Northampton


Corns are a thickening of the skin and are caused by pressure or rubbing. The occur over high pressure areas like the balls of your feet, on the knuckles of your toes or you may get a corn between the toes. They are treatable and can be cured by a Podiatrist.

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Sweaty feet treatment Northampton, athletes foot treatment

Podiatrist in Northampton

Sweaty Feet

Sweaty feet or hyperhidrosis can be caused by an underlying condition, hereditary or acquired. Poor footwear, hygiene or synthetic socks together with hot weather can cause sweating. Our local Podiatrist in Northampton can help.

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